Importance of Meditation and Yoga in Students Life

We usually never thought of meditation, yoga and studying all together in a same sentence, but it is worth noting that they all can be interrelated. Well wonder no longer, meditation is absolutely fantastic for young people and there are a lot of benefits of meditation for young people and students that they can avail of. Through the practice of yoga, you can become more aware of your emotional, mental and physical health. Yoga techniques date back to at least the 5th century, and through lot of research it has been proved that its benefits for students and youngsters are outstanding. Yoga includes physical poses called asana, breathing techniques and meditation. It has been suggested that practicing yoga sessions two or three times per week for at least 20 minutes per session can lead to some considerable positive effects....

Teenage is the part of life when there are a lot of things going in the life like school, tuition, exams, sports etc leading to a lot of stress as a result mental health disorders commonly develop in the teenage years, yoga may serve a preventive role in adolescent mental health. Adolescence is an important time for the development of mental health, including healthy coping responses to stress. It is very important to deal with this in a right manner. Several types of school-based stress management and wellness programs have been developed with the goal of encouraging healthy coping strategies and resilience among teens out of which a lot of students have gained benefit....

Meditation and yoga can contribute directly to improved mental focus and concentration among students. Both yoga and most forms of meditation include an increased focus on breathing techniques. Yoga and meditation involves long, deep, slow breaths, as well as the coordination of mental concentration with some kind of structured activity, such as yoga poses, breath patterns, chanting or even just focusing your gaze on a specific spot. Yoga combines strength and flexibility exercise with relaxation and meditation/mindfulness techniques. Studies have shown benefits of yoga in a wide range of mental and physical health problems, including a growing body of evidence showing positive effects in children and teens....
